Past Blog Posts:

A Matchbox Circus and New Miniatures! Plus a Circus Sale!

Filed under Art Projects, Giveaways, Kristin Batsel, Miniatures, Newsletters, Sale
Update! A newer post about Kristin’s artwork is here.

Oh, this is so deceiving! You’d think that (fab!) circus book box is … maybe ATC sized (with so much going on)!? But it’s made with the same Matchbox Sized Faux Book Box (only 2-1/4″ tall) that Design Team Member Kristin Batsel used for her Mermaids Mini Book Box a couple weeks ago!

Scroll down just a hair to see a wide group of photos with more details. Here’s an intro from Kristin’s blog post:

If you know me at all, you know I’m crazy about the circus. It’s been a while since I made any circus art, so I decided to have a little fun with another mini matchbox.

First, the cover. I put alphabet stickers spelling out the word “circus” on a piece of paper and then cut it out to make a sign for the elephant to hold. Sequin stars add a bit of sparkle. The letters on the spine of the “book” were cut from a collage sheet.

When you open the box, there’s a tiny circus performance going on. Or perhaps it’s dress rehearsal, seeing as the seats aren’t yet filled.

I painted the tiniest of people to create a wee trapeze artist and a ringmaster. I used the thinnest of brushes and the strongest of magnifying glasses to paint these performers. The trapeze artist is perched on her swing, which is actually a thin piece of wire, bent to shape. She’s attached to her perch with a little white glue. The baby elephant’s blanket is a piece of ribbon, cut to size and glued on.

Yikes! See that little photo at left for how truly tiny those tiny people are! Kudos to Kristin for painting those tiny performers so precisely! See more photos (and a mini tutorial on resizing the red curtain above the stage) are in Kristin’s blog post. Here’s her supply list, and read on for info on a SALE for some of those goodies (and the chance to win everything in her supply list)!

New Miniatures… Mostly Animals (for a Circus?)

You’d think these are all half scale or smaller, but the two brass trims are actually 1:12 scale.

Circus Collage Sheets ON SALE!

FLASH SALE! This is a 50% off sale on ALL Circus Collage Sheets!

You know with that bright, cheery artwork by Kristin I’d have to put this section on sale! 45 options!!… including the 3 highlights below! (AND that first sheet is used in Kristin’s project!)

The sale ends at midnight on Monday night, February 25th.

Click: FLASH SALE to see everything!

A Matchbox Circus Giveaway!

I didn’t even fit in all the new little animals (in the highlights above) so a couple more are shown at right (and are included in the Giveaway, too)!

OK… on to this Giveaway! Yes, I said it! EVERYTHING in Kristin’s Supply List is included in today’s Giveaway!

I’m only highlighting a couple of the ELEVEN circus-y items in the supply list/Giveaway:
Matchbox Sized Faux Book Box (well, yes, you’ll need the structure)
Window Frames for Tealight Haunted House (the frame around the clown on the inside front cover)
Half Scale P&J Theatre Collage Sheet (for the elephant on the front cover and the red curtains — inside and on the cover)

Just click on this Supply List link for photos and links to everything in Kristin’s artwork, which are also all included in the Giveaway!

To enter A Matchbox Circus Giveaway drawing all you have to do is leave a comment BELOW on this blog post TODAY or TOMORROW (the deadline is 11:59 pm PST, Monday Night, February 25, 2019).

And what are you going to make?

Don’t forget to leave your (hello!) correct email address, too, so I can contact the winner; your email address does not need to be made public. Note: I’m offering free shipping, too, but only within the USA. International shipping will still apply.

Please be patient! Spammers try to post crap here a lot so comments are moderated. So if you don’t see your post in the comments section, be patient and check back in a few hours before re-posting it, please!

After midnight, I’ll randomly pick the winner (via

Hey, who won A Dark and Stormy Giveaway from Thursday’s newsletter? That would be Marilyn Ray! Congrats! Check your email for info.

Posted by Leslie, February 24th, 2019

78 responses to “A Matchbox Circus and New Miniatures! Plus a Circus Sale!”

  1. Barb Macaskill says:

    These adorable little animals make my heart sing! Ii would definitely be making a zoo themed project with them if. I am lucky enough to win this awesome giveaway! So many possibilities and my granddaughter would have so much fun helping me create it! 🤞💫🤞✨🤞💫🤞✨🤞✨🤞💫🤞✨🤞💫🤞

  2. This is just phenomenal! As a Circus fan, Magician, variety Arts performer and Crafter: this checks so many boxes for me! I just love this! Thank you!

  3. Marykay chisum says:

    I have been collecting circus items for just the right project! This is it!

  4. Andrea white says:


  5. Sheryl Williams says:

    This is such an adorable addition to my small doll accessories – I love it!

  6. Gloria says:

    I love the new animals!! A Circus will look great in my mini toy stores!

  7. I can smell the popcorn from here, love it

  8. Jo says:

    OMG! I love the circus theme! So cute!

  9. Barbara A says:

    Love this project! It combines 2 of my favorite things, secret books and circus things. Am making and collecting things for a 1/4” scale circus scene. Also have a collection of different scales of secret books.

  10. Jean marmo says:

    What a delightful and creative project. Would love to try something like this.

  11. Judy Adamcyk says:

    Excellent detail. It would be a welcome addition to my “dream big” collection.

  12. karen young says:

    Love the circus theme and matchboxes. This would be great in my ongoing oddities shelf.

  13. Darlene says:

    What a…giveaway…think i would do a samll mixed media with the box to hold small items

  14. Jen J says:

    What a sweet little circus!! Love everything about it

  15. This is just what I need to get my creativity flowing again. I would love to work on this project.

  16. Jean says:

    This project would be great in the playroom of my dollhouse!

  17. Debora L. says:

    Love the matchbox book and adore the tiny animals!

  18. DeniseHumenik says:

    Brings back great memories of my dad taking us to the circus. I love matchbox projects & this would be great fun.

  19. Carol says:

    What fun! This would be a colorful project to brighten a dreary Saturday in late winter.

  20. Kathy S. says:

    Circus imagery is my all-time favorite and… zebras!

  21. Christi Ashcraft says:

    This is so cute!!! Love the matchbox!! I haven’t attempted anything so small before.

  22. Nadine says:

    Great Circus ideas!

  23. KIM says:

    It would be awesome to win the circus match box.
    Fun to make for my granddaughter.

  24. Chris K. says:

    Oh, my, how I’d love to win this giveaway. So tiny and cute.

  25. Denise Bryant says:

    Love the circus theme! Very fun!

  26. Sharon Bloom says:

    Step night up and see the BESTminiature circus on earth!

  27. Marty P. says:

    Everyone loves a circus. The papers are so colorful and the miniature animals are just delightful!

  28. SuzNne says:

    Wonderful job and great scale! Love it!

  29. Valzora Spriggs says:

    Matchbox size always makes my heart sing!

  30. Mary Alice Hunter says:

    Love this! Love to have a mini circus!

  31. Dona says:

    This tiny one looks l like a real challenge !

  32. Margie says:

    I LOVE all of the circus stuff! I am going to be making a circus journal and have started collecting goodies for it!

  33. Diane Alterman says:

    really cute and a whole different idea

  34. Nancy Anderson says:

    OMG! Shrines and miniatures. My favorite things.

  35. Traci says:

    Love the circus matchbox it is adorable-I love tiny things. So darn cute.

  36. Dianna says:

    Love all the miniature animals! I would do a circus and a zoo. I would love to win all the wonderful goodies. My daughter and I would definitely create the greatest show on earth. ( or try too )

  37. Peggy Manning says:

    I want to quit!! Quit!! Quit!! ordering from you But you make it impossible !! You keep coming up with the cutest, best ideas ever!! Please let me win some of them so I can slow down with the check book. Love the circus themes PeginOKC

  38. Kat Cashwell says:

    Omg this is so awesome!! I love all things miniature and these animals are wonderful!!!! Would love to win this one!!!!!!

  39. Marilyn says:

    Cute, cute, cute! Love it!

  40. Karen Mallory says:

    Oh! I love this little matchbox circus! What a treasure. I think I would make that same little box. I need one!

  41. Lorrilee Stackhouse says:

    Love this. Tiny books are one of my not very secret obsessions, and I would love to make this one to add to my collection!

  42. Kim Lucak says:

    I love the circus, cute, adore the tiny animals 🙂

  43. rosalie e lunger says:

    I am soooo going to have to do this one.. Keep up the fantastic work!!!

  44. Jaimi B says:

    Wow, look at all the new tiny stuff! How exciting!I want to make a tiny circus, too!

  45. Rebecca R. says:

    I love the little match box! So cute! I love the little elephants!

  46. Well another favorite theme of mine. I will have to make a few. Hope my hands can handle painting some little figures.

  47. Bonnie Hayes says:

    Am I too old to run off to join the Circus?

  48. Amy says:

    oh my!!!!!! so darling. love the little animals.

  49. Loretta says:

    This is wonderful! I love the tiny animals!

  50. Kitty Tatman says:

    Kristen always knocks it out of the park. Ive been wanting to make a circus themed santos doll… great inspiration!

  51. Laurie B says:

    What a cute project! The little elephants are adorable

  52. Diana Bittaker says:

    I do so love vintage circus! I have been making them with match boxes and turning them into ornaments! I will be buying the little people animals because mine had to be paper- love it!

  53. Janet Turner says:

    I love this creative giveaway. Very cute!

  54. Judy Goodwin says:

    Such a teeny tiny circus would be a great project. Love those little animals.

  55. Luanne Shoup says:

    The Circus is coming to town!

  56. Cynthia Penney says:

    So many memories. I still love a circus. I would make mine a trapeze artist and dogs.

  57. Nancy E says:

    I love this darling little circus vignette. Reminds me of going to the circus as a child!

  58. Gretchen says:

    Love those little animals!

  59. Cg says:

    I adore the circus!!! Well-done!!! Love ❤️!

  60. Lea Cook says:

    Amazing project!

  61. Anne says:

    I love the micro mini animals!

  62. Ceci says:

    What a delight! We are going to get right to work on a small circus diorama. Thanks for the fun ideas!

  63. Kathy Toews says:

    OMG, that is SO stinkin’ cute!

  64. Rhonda S says:

    what a clever cute idea!

  65. Bonnie Moran says:

    I simply love micro mini

  66. ricki walker says:

    Love the vintage circus theme!

  67. Jeanine says:

    Brings back memories of going to the circus every year. Love these mini animals, I cant wait to get them!

  68. Anne W says:

    Very cute! I love the elephants!

  69. Carla M says:

    The circus animals are adorable! The matchbox circus is a super project!

  70. Sue Pierson says:

    I love miniatures and I love circuses so it’s a win win.

  71. marcia says:

    small squishy animals….it doesn’t get any better!

  72. Sandy says:

    Oh, I LOVE this set! The circus is one of my favorite themes.

  73. Laura Callies says:

    I am over the moon with this matchbox creation. I adore all things circus❣️

  74. Barb Faulkner-Davis says:

    Hi, everyone! This makes me think of animal crackers! Have to break out a box of them, for fuel, when working on a project like this one! Right on! Love it-

  75. Carla Velting says:

    Omg!!! These are the most stunning little animals. I know where I’m going shopping post work today!!!!!!
    Thank you 😊

  76. Angie M says:

    Who doesn’t want a little pocket circus?!

  77. Rebecca White says:

    This is the most perfect project for me to make for an altered circus book I am working on. The niche’ at the back of the book is the perfect place for this special little “book” surprise.

  78. Sg gwillis says:

    Circus pocket book from toilet paper rolls