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Altered Tins! Artwork, Sale & Free Mardi Gras GIFT!
Filed under Alice in Wonderland, Altered Tins, Grimms' Fairy Tales, Laura Carson, Pierrot/Harlequin/Carnival, Shannon Cooper
Believe it or not, this whole newsletter and TWO sales were inspired by that new Fancy Grey Column or Garden Base (shown at right, with an Altoids Tin perched on top). It’s a chunky cast resin stand with a classical design.
The first sale is EVERYTHING Altoids Tin Themed (such a useful group of goodies… from collage sheets to the tins themselves and chipboard inserts in various themes).
Then I remembered a sweet Curiouser and Curiouser Tin by Design Team Member Shannon Cooper that uses lots of the items in that first sale group. So we’re revisiting that fun project AND I’ve put everything in Shannon’s supply list on sale!
Then (oh my) I decided that we should view a variety of themes/styles of altered tin artwork. So I added THREE more projects to the second sale group! (And I added that new resin stand to the second sale, too!) BOTH sales use the same discount code (more info below).
Back to the (first) art project: Shannon designed her tin way back when the Alice in an Altoids Tin Kit was announced (and that kit is included in the sale today, too)! Starting with some text from Shannon’s far-ago post:
What do you get when you cross Alice in Wonderland and blank Altoids tins? Only the best combination of things to craft with, that’s what! Two things in particular that I was curious about were the Altoids Inserts, miniature frames designed to fit the tins (I used a scalloped insert), and the Alice Covers Collage Sheet. The gorgeous images are vibrant, and the number included on the sheet gives you more options for altering a tin than you can shake a flamingo at.
The inside of this tin has duplicate images cut from the Rustic Trees and Foliage Collage sheet so I could sandwich pop dots between them, creating depth. The White Rabbit, bushes, and Alice have also been placed at different depths in the tin. The trim of red German Bouillon fit exactly around the tin and gave it a little shimmer.
Note: I added the 1/8 Inch Red Metallic Cord to the sale collection as an option for around the edges.
Such a fun little Alice shrine! Thanks, Shannon!
Here’s her Supply List… remember to scroll down and see more about the discount coupon, too! And, what? Another tin? (Or three?)
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Humpty Dumpty’s Afternoon
Is that not the cutest little Humpty Dumpty shrine you’ve ever seen!? I love this little piece (also by Shannon Cooper)! It’s perfect as a little hidden garden, with the hope of staying cool in the summer while reading.
Here’s a teaser from Shannon’s blog post:
The May Secret Garden Kit couldn’t have come at a better time. Starting a garden this spring was simply out of the question for most people, so having the opportunity to make a teeny tiny one was a nice substitute. Another plus: no pollen.
I knew I wanted to use the Ivy Corner Insert and Mini Green Leaves from the kit, and after gathering a handful of other greenery, it reminded me of vines that grow over walls and up the sides of houses. So, I built a tiny brick wall for the inside of the blank tin which happened to be the perfect spot for Humpty Dumpty.
Aside: Shannon also provides a tutorial on her post!
Although Shannon made the tissue paper roses herself (!), I’ve added some pre-made paper flowers (and more greenery) to the sale collection.
I added the Ivy Corner Insert to the outside of the tin (vs under the lip on the inside) and covered the seam with brownish embroidery floss. Oh, and if you are wondering, the curly brown “sticks” are just several lengths of covered florist wire coiled around the spool base, then wrapped up the side of the tin.
Love the artwork, Shannon! I also love how she snipped leaves from the Mini Trailing Ivy Borders, painted them, then glued them over the trellis & leaves on the Ivy Corner Insert to add more greenery.
Shannon gives tips on building Humpty’s wall (and lots more photos) on her blog post. Plus here’s Shannon’s supply list.
Grimm’s Fairy Tarot
This is such a great idea! Laura Carson made fairy tale tarot cards and a pretty tin to house them (made from an Altoids Tin and the Fairy Tale Frames Altoid Inserts Set).
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As Laura says in her blog post:
I was racking my brain trying to think of some kind of interesting twist on the Grimm theme and the idea of fate popped into my mind. I decided to expand the theme beyond Snow White by including other Grimm fairy tales which in turn led to the idea of making Tarot cards.
For me the best part of the project was choosing the images for each card (there were so many to choose from). My favorites are Red Riding Hood as The Fool, Puss in Boots as the Knight of Swords and Sleeping Beauty pricking her finger as the Wheel of Fortune.
Hm… I think Rapunzel as The Hermit is a witty choice, too.
And don’t you fret about making your own set, Laura is giving away the collage sheet with the labels for the entire deck (although she only made 15 cards, as that number would fit in an Altoids Tin). AND she has a good suggestion/link to a past tutorial on hinging 2 tins together to make room for more cards.
Laura is also giving away the little snippet of text she designed (“TAROT”) to coordinate with the words “GRIMM’S” and “FAIRY” from the Grimm Covers #3 Collage Sheet so you can recreate her cover title.
So… ready to start thinking up your own Grimm’s Fairy Tarot? Before you begin, head over to Laura’s blog to read more tips. As we moved sites since the original post, remember to use this link for all the supplies Laura used and be sure to come back for info on the sale on all her supplies.
Mysterious Masquerade Altered Tin
You may remember this beautiful altered tin that Shannon made a few year’s ago. It uses part of a Small Quatrefoil Panel in the background (and you can just make out a masked lady hiding behind that screen).
The main image is from the The Secret Collage Sheet.
How regal with that crown (actually just a piece of a Chipboard Fleur Border, bent into a curve and attached to the top of an Altoid’s Tin)!
And see that swirly frame at the bottom of the tin (framing the “Mysterious” text)? That’s from the Fairy Tale Frames Altoid Inserts Set (a big set with 3 options of inserts & matching frames). Yes, that the same set that Laura used on the front and back covers of her tarot tin.
See more photos (and tips) on Shannon’s blog post!
Here’s a link to all the items still available from the supply list. I included a few extras, like 2 shades of purple Tiny Paper Roses.
FREE Gift with Orders
A Mardi Gras Gift Kit is FREE with all orders placed today through Wednesday (ends at midnight February 15, 2023)!
Inspired by that Mysterious Masquerade Altered Tin by Shannon (and Mardi Gras is February 21st)! The set includes:
– 5mm Star Sequin Mix (also used in Shannon’s tin, so already in the sale — around that chipboard fleur border at top)
– One each of these charms: Small Brass Fans, Small Silver Fleur de Lys Charms, Silver Mardi Gras Mask Charm
– A custom set of 4 Tiny Chipboard Masks (not for sale separately)
(and all the charms in this freebie are in the sale collection, so see that coupon below, if you want to buy more)!

Altered Tin Artwork SALE
I’ve already highlighted quite a few items from each of the FOUR projects in this collection (but I picked out a few more, shown below).
Use coupon TINSALE when checking out to get an additional 20% off on EVERYTHING in this collection! That’s 20% off beyond current sale prices! Over 50 items (including the charms from that FREE gift set)!
And don’t forget the separate Altoids Tins & Related Trims section is also on sale (the two items shown at right are from that group — use the same coupon for both collections)!
The sale ends WEDNESDAY NIGHT, February 15th at midnight PST.
See the artwork supplies sale collection here!