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Naughty Santa Art, FLASH SALE on Miniatures!
Filed under Art Projects, Gifts/Decorations, Giveaways, Kristin Batsel, Newsletters, Sale, Shannon Cooper
Ok… I don’t think Santa’s the one being naughty… but you (or someone you’re making gifts for?) may be!
We’ve got new art today by 2 Designers who both went down this “Wine for Christmas” path… plus a related FLASH SALE on Food & Beverage Minis!
New Artwork!
All I Want For Christmas (is wine) by Design Team Member Shannon Cooper!
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I love this “wine tree” by Shannon! She used 3 colors of the Blank Miniature Wine Bottles (plus glasses… and candy canes) to hang on her 4″ tall tree. AND just look at that Santa peaking out from behind the tree! And the little soldier… does he have his hand up to his face ’cause he’s blushing? or is he whispering something?
Here’s a bit to get you in the mood from Shannon’s blog post:
‘Tis the season for handmade presents! It’s the month that I pull out the half-dozen unfinished gift projects that I started on ages ago “to get a head start on Christmas”, the ones that were meant to be done by October and make me feel accomplished… well, that didn’t happen. It’d be nice to decide to finish these WIPs, but I know that they will all get tossed back in the bin and I’ll start all over because… oh, look! A squirrel!
I restarted my gift making by creating a snarky little matchbox for my wine-loving friend. (We have that in common. It is the reason we like each other so much.) I used two cheeky collage sheets and a 3″ x 5″ chunky matchbox for a fun scene. The front of the box shows a rosy cheeked Santa:
The side is also NSFW.
And the inside is a miniature version of my friend’s Christmas wish.
Read more (and see lots more photos) in Shannon’s blog post. And here is her supply list (plus a few of these maaaaay have made their way into today’s Giveaway prize)!
Psst: check below in the Giveaway for ANOTHER new Christmas project by a different Design Team Member!
New Goodies!
Food & Beverage Miniatures ON SALE!
FLASH SALE! This is a 25% off sale on ALL Food & Beverage Minis! (Note: that includes bottles & jars with food or drink in them… we split up the giant stock of kitchen items, and bottle blanks without food inside (and empty dishes) are in other sections.)
With all the drinking & decorating above, I thought some mini food & drink props would be in order! 38 options… including the 4 highlights below.
The sale ends at midnight on Friday night, December 7th.
Want even More Food & Bev Sale Miniatures? There are a few left on the Clearance site (50% to 80% off)! Like the Pumpkin Pie Slice and Miniature Ice Cubes shown at right. Here’s the link to the Food & Beverages Section on the Clearance site!
Click: FLASH SALE to see everything!
Hooray for the Wine for Christmas Giveaway!
Another wine-infused project: He sees you when you’re drinking by Design Team Member Kristin Batsel!
I’m just going “shopping” from Kristin and Shannon’s supplies for today’s Giveaway. Starting with Kristin’s artwork:
– Jingle 6×6 Paper Pad (it’s actually used in Shannon’s project, too)
– Miniature Wine Bottles (also part of the flash sale!)– Miniature Cocktail Glasses w Stems (next to the aqua deer; and see below about the cosmo in that glass in Kristin’s shadowbox!)
Note: Kristin used a vintage ornament box, but I’m substituting the Tiny Diorama Box AND the matching collage sheet!
And before I forget: click on this Supply List link for photos and links to everything in Kristin’s artwork at left! And see more photos of the project in Kristin blog post.
Then moving to Shannon’s artwork (from above):
– All 3 colors of the Blank Miniature Wine Bottles decorating her tree (note: these are true 1:12 scale and smaller than the oversized bottle decorating Kristin’s shadowbox)
– The 2 collage sheets with tiny labels she used on those bottles
– The Sassy Santas Collage Sheet (for that Santa peeking out!)
Bonus: See that little photo at left? I discovered the NEW Mini Bronze Box Feet fit well on that tiny 2×3 matchbox, and I’m including both the new box feet AND that little shadowbox, too!
To enter the Wine for Christmas Giveaway drawing all you have to do is leave a comment BELOW on this blog post TODAY or TOMORROW (the deadline is 11:59 pm PST, Friday Night, December 7, 2018).
Don’t forget to leave your (hello!) correct email address, too, so I can contact the winner; your email address does not need to be made public. Note: I’m offering free shipping, too, but only within the USA. International shipping will still apply.
Please be patient! Spammers try to post crap here a lot so comments are moderated. So if you don’t see your post in the comments section, be patient and check back in a few hours before re-posting it, please!
After midnight, I’ll randomly pick the winner (via
Hey, who won the Christmas Nostalgia Kit Giveaway from Sunday’s newsletter? That would be Linda B! Congrats! Check your email for info.
Psst! See that cosmo in Kristin’s shadowbox (and shown again at right)? She previously posted a tutorial on making it in her blog!
Lots of new ideas!
Love THis!!!
These are both fantastic! Cheers Bitches 😀
Always something new and clever! Love these ideas.
‘m crazy about all of the miniature drink glasses and wine bottles! Love the “Naughty Santa tree project, too. Happy holidays to you all! Big Hug, cat
Cute-love santa peeking from behind the tree. Also, the funny sentiments.
Loving the Naughty/Nice theme.
Loving the naughty!
Wine and Christmas – the perfect combo!
oh my goodness, so much cuteness!
T’is the season to abandon reason!
Wow! So many great ideas! Love it all!
Fun Christmas ideas. Naughty or nice, would love to win the giveaway!
love the new ideas and love Alpha Stamps
Ho, Ho, Ho, and a Merry Christmas. Certainly would be if I won this.
I love wine and I love Santa. This will be fun.
These are so cute and naughty! LOL Always want to make Christmas themed items!
some great ideas for many of my friends…Thanks.
Another clever idea. Love the matchbox.
You all have such great ideas. Like them all. Thanks for posting them.
I guess I need to pour myself a drink and get to work.Love the tinsel garland tree on Shannon’s art work today.
Love everything Christmas!
Also am excited about the new feet for the 2X3″ matchbox!
Merry Christmas everyone!
‘Love the tiny wine glasses, love, the project!
Those little feet are just wonderful!
LOVE the wine ! This would be perfect for so many of my husband’s family!
This is TOO funny!! Love it!!! 🙂
All i need is wine and chocolate!! Happy Holidays
Love everything about this It’s just great
I REALLY want this one. Placed an order but need so me more STUFF to go with it so please pick my name PeginOKC
Wine woo! and love the NEW Mini Bronze Box Feet.
Cute Christmas – love the retro!
This is just hilarious! What a great gift..
I know what I’ll enjoy while making the wine miniature box! And I’m keeping for ME not the grandbabies this time!
Oh boy! Christmas, wine, trees, wine, deer, tinsel, and did I mention wine? This would be a fun project to make!
Love the wine tree , only I want a life size one !
I adore these sweet boxes!!!
I know the perfect person for the snarky wine box!
too cute!!!!
OMG my friends would love these. Cute and funny! 🙂
So cute! These would be great gifts.
So fun to be a little naughty at Christmas!
So precious!
Hahhaha! Such a cute Santa”
This would be a great gift for my wife!
Love all this vintage stuff, especially love those mini matchboxes! Pick my name….PLEEESSE!!
Oh wow, just wow‼️ Love this so much 😂❤️
Love the gorgeous vintage look of these projects.