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Krampus and Gnomes?!
Filed under Christmas, Giveaways, Layered Ornaments Kit, Newsletters, Nichola Battilana, Sale, Shannon Cooper
But before we get to the new artwork, a reminder on the current sale AND AN EXTENSION! ALL Christmas Collage Sheets AND Angels and Saints Collage Sheets on Sale at 40% Off! That’s 135 options! There’s still time to download some digital images or collage sheets for making last-minute gifts… like the Winter Kids Collage Sheet shown at right or the Krampus Collage Sheet included in today’s Giveaway!
REVISED: EXTENDED through SATURDAY night, December 24th (Christmas Eve!)
Speaking of Christmas, I’ve just posted info on the “While the Cat’s Away…” After-Christmas Sale. Note: we are working this week but I cannot guarantee any orders will arrive before Christmas. Still, a little gift for yourself to arrive the week after Christmas would be something to look forward to…
Wow! As a follow-up to the sweet ornaments by Nichola Battilana in last Sunday’s newsletter, she has made these fabulous Gnome Shaker Ornaments!
“A week ago I promised a second set of these shaker ornaments, and here they are. This time they’re filled with gnomes!”
Some things in Nichola’s ornaments that I would like to point out:
– (Of course) the Gnome & Mushroom Ornaments Collage Sheet!
Just look at those sweet faces! This sheet is also in the Round Layered Ornaments Kit. And it’s part of the Christmas Collage Sheet Sale!
– Gold Metallic Mini Braid
Back in stock!
– Iridescent Micro Beads
They are in all 3 ornaments, jangling around when you shake them and translucent so you can still see the images behind them.
– Flat-Back Gold Star Studs
One is at the top of each ornament (and they come in a smaller 8mm size, too). Versatile and easy to use (and you get about a zillion per set).
See more photos in Nichola’s blog post.
Bonus: have you been following that crazy-busy Nichola’s blog? She is doing a project every day from December 1st though 24th! I’m highlighting her Tiny Gnomish Lucky Charm Shrines from a few days ago as they are also gnome-themed (and an ingenious use of Turrets — and adorable)!
Next up: Naughty or Nice Shaker Ornaments by Design Team Member Shannon Cooper!
“Because I like to remind my children of the importance of being nice, my ornaments are adorned with the jolly St. Nick on one side and the child-gobbling Krampus on the other. If my kids happen to forget their manners, I have them turn one of the St. Nick ornies over to reveal Krampus, and they really do not like that side. The utensils in one of the ornaments probably has something to do with that.
“Luckily, they are mostly well-behaved and we get to enjoy the merry side more often.”
Luckly, indeed! Such a silly detail, but my favorite thing: the tiny silverware included in that bottom ornament at left!
Making the tiny garland toppers from Tim Holtz Pine Twine Garland and tiny bits of the Fancy Red Holly Berries Mix is pretty sweet, too.
Hm… seeking Krampus made me remember this video from my fave local art store: Castle in the Air (from last year’s “arrival of Krampus” parade… it’s freezing here now (and pretty much all over the country) so the t-shirt-clad spectators look a little out of place… but perfect for a Berkeley crowd). Not as scary as a European video of a Krampus parade, but I’m happy for what I can get!
Read more (and see lots more photos) in Shannon’s blog post. Here’s her Supply List AND be sure to check out the Giveaway below, which includes tons of goodies from Shannon’s supplies.
Hooray for the Naughty or Nice Giveaway!
For today’s Giveaway, I mainly chose items from Shannon’s supply list:
– Chipboard Ornament Layers
– 5mm Star Sequins
– Round Ornaments Ribbon Set
– Fancy Red Holly Berries Mix- Red
– Krampus Collage Sheet
– Snowy Winter Day Ornaments Collage Sheet
– Kris Kringles Collage Sheet
– Miniature Silverware – Set of 20
– 1mm Micro Beads – Clear AB
Plus I’m throwing in one of the new Halloween Gargoyle Polymer Clay Canes ’cause they are perfect to slice thin and add to a Krampus shaker ornament!
To enter the Naughty or Nice Giveaway drawing all you have to do is leave a comment BELOW on this blog post TODAY OR TOMORROW (the deadline is 11:59 pm PST, MONDAY, December 19, 2016)! And tell me: Naughty or Nice?
Don’t forget to leave your (hello! correct) email address, too, so I can contact the winner; your email address does not need to be made public. Note: I’m offering free shipping, too, but only within the USA. International shipping will still apply.
Please be patient! Spammers try to post crap here a lot so comments are moderated. So if you don’t see your post in the comments section, be patient and check back in a few hours before re-posting it, please!
After midnight, I’ll randomly pick the winner (via So check your mailbox on Thursday morning to see who won and for the next Giveaway and Newsletter!
Hey, who won the Chipboard House Kit & Collage Sheets Giveaway? That would be Cocoa Fornelli! Congratulations! Check your email for more info.
Nice – definitely nice!
I solemny swear I’m up to no good.
Wonderful way to celebrate the season-Alphastamps-You Rock!
This is a disturbing figure that I’ve never seen or even heard of. This expalins why all of you dislike Christmas so much. I’m definetly too nice. The gargoyles remind me of the Gremlin film. Don’t feed them after midnight…
Nice,with a little naughty thrown in.
Definitely nice
You always have a wonderful selection
What’s your definition of “naughty”? Ha!
NIce, of course:) Love the ornament ideas!
Nice, but a bit prejudice
Naughty…..its a redhead thing…hehe
Nice….but with a little bit of naughty
Naughty…lol. Spent way too much on crafty things this past year, BUT it was to be NICE to others and make gifts. Good excuse, right;)
Depends on the day of the week…….
Oh dang, are you really going to make me fess up? Okay then I’ve been nice, just not sure who all would agree with that! LOL
Naughty. Love Krampus.
love these ornaments would love to put them on my tree
I have been nice. I made a friend a solstice card with a surprise Krampus inside.
Love the naughty or nice ornaments!
I have been nice… well, mostly!
Trying to be nice, but it’s fun to be naughty!
Love all of it!!!
Fun one! Definitely nice!!
Nice, love the ornament frame and fancy berries
Blessed Christmas greetings!!!
Nice………or s it naughty….no, nice, yeah, nice but maybe a little naughty
Mostly nice with a little naughty.
Love, love, love the ornaments. But definitely nice, although I’m sure there are people out there who would disagree. Ha, Ha!
Congratulations Coco! Enjoy your goodies!
I really tried to be nice but my horns knocked my halo off more than once or twice this year! Right now Santa is on one shoulder and Krampus is on the other and they are having a grand old time trying to make me bend to their will! I am trying to listen to Santa but Krampus has some pretty good (bad but fun?) ideas so it is really hard to resist the dark side! LOL
Merry Christmas and see you next post!
BTW: My last order is due to arrive tomorrow with the prize I won a couple weeks ago so I am planning on spending the day in my Craft Oasis creating!! YAY ME!
macaskillbarbara @yahoo .com
I guess if I have to choose between “behaviorally challenged due to non-conforming attitude and tourette’s-like tendency to scream profanities at drivers in the left lane” or “difficultly-free existence that results in agreeable personality and pleasurable countenance”, I’m going to go with the former. heh heh
If only the ornaments would work on cats. LOL
Nice of course!
Have a Merry Christmas thank for all the wonderful project ideas though the year. They always get my brain working on ideas.
Beautiful ornaments. Your team is fabulous!
And I will go with “Nice”.
Love the shaker ornaments. Nice:)
Just nicely naughty!
definitely naughty!!!
Both naughty AND nice!
NAUGHTY! Lol merry Christmas!
Love the shaker ornaments. I have been so nice that my co-workers try and push my buttons so that the old me (naughty) comes out.
Definitely been nice. Love the shaker ornaments!
Nicely naughty. Always
Always… NICE!
Nice is so boring… Naughty is the way to go,